About the US-election 2024

drei affen

My blog is rarely polit­i­cal, and I usu­al­ly com­ment occa­sion­al­ly on polit­i­cal events. The US elec­tion is such a polit­i­cal event.

I start my review of the radio play adap­ta­tion of 1984 on my sis­ter blog with the fol­low­ing sen­tences (link to review in ger­man, the radio play was pro­duced in Eng­land last year and has no direct ref­er­ence to Don­ald Trump). “Rule and con­trol a pop­u­la­tion with fear! Spread fake news and manip­u­late the news! Do you know this sce­nario?” And of course I was think­ing about the US elec­tions, because I already knew that this dis­as­ter was going to hap­pen after it became increas­ing­ly clear that the US cit­i­zens would­n’t take any­thing from a woman. Espe­cial­ly not a black woman.

The bleat­ing sheep have to run after the rich white men. Prob­a­bly because many are still cling­ing to the Amer­i­can dream, which is long gone.

I already have my prob­lems to see the US elec­tions as demo­c­ra­t­ic. Elec­tions in which those who get less votes can win. Elec­tions that depend on mon­ey and votes that are open­ly bought thanks to mul­ti­mil­lion­aires.

Yes, for the next fed­er­al elec­tion in Ger­many, it would do our coun­try a lot of good if we did­n’t slip into mul­ti-par­ty diver­si­ty, where a coali­tion can­not be formed by more than two par­ties. But the fact that we already know which par­ty will win in which states is so far off the mark that we would­n’t even need to vote in those states.

But this elec­tion is not the first in which these abus­es have been crit­i­cized, regard­less of the out­come. The only thing left to do now is hope that Trump does­n’t push his head through the wall too hard and does­n’t cause too much dam­age to world peace and the glob­al econ­o­my. Is that too much to ask of a crim­i­nal?

I just feel very sor­ry for the mar­gin­al­ized groups who now have to fear for their skins for anoth­er four years. And it seems that in Trump’s world, it’s not just queer peo­ple who are mar­gin­al­ized, but also all non-white peo­ple and women. Well, hope­ful­ly the sit­u­a­tion won’t be quite as dis­as­trous as in the UK, where they found out too late what it means to no longer be a mem­ber of the EU (and are now too proud to ini­ti­ate re-entry).

And per­haps Mr. Trump will lis­ten to his advi­sors dur­ing this leg­isla­tive peri­od and not fire them imme­di­ate­ly if they don’t dance to his tune or have an opin­ion of their own. Not very like­ly, but hope dies last, as we all know.

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