Fundraising campaign: A new customized family van is needed


Donation account:

Name: Frank Lang
IBAN: DE89 4401 0046 0222 2354 64
Insti­tut: Post­bank
Intend­ed use: Fam­i­ly van sup­port

or sim­ply donate via Pay­Pal.

Please note that no dona­tion receipts can be issued.

A new car. Of course, says the read­er, who couldn’t use one? I can under­stand that, but the world looks a lit­tle dif­fer­ent for a severe­ly dis­abled per­son. The »big car« is not a sta­tus sym­bol, but an essen­tial means of trans­porta­tion. Why is that? I’ll explain in a few words.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, pub­lic trans­porta­tion is still not acces­si­ble. Long-dis­tance and region­al trans­port is obvi­ous­ly not acces­si­ble with­out steps, which means that wheel­chair users can only use it with assis­tance and with severe restric­tions. But even local trans­port is often not acces­si­ble with­out steps and espe­cial­ly with­out gaps. Some wheel­chairs have small wheels that fit into the gap between the wag­gon and the plat­form.

Well, the »hand­i­capped« get every­thing for free any­way. No, unfor­tu­nate­ly not. On the con­trary, many severe­ly dis­abled peo­ple have to fight again and again for ade­quate care. Now the inclined read­er might say that the state offers me a way to get to work, for exam­ple. Maybe through a wheel­chair taxi ser­vice or some­thing like that.

Yes, there is health insur­ance in Ger­many that cov­ers the cost of most treat­ments. So the severe­ly dis­abled per­son does not start their new life in a wheel­chair with a moun­tain of debt. How­ev­er, this does not mean that all sub­se­quent costs are cov­ered in Ger­many (alter­ations to the home, car or work­place). This is not the case!

I am a fam­i­ly man with three chil­dren. An aspect that is not tak­en into account at all. That’s free time and my per­son­al prob­lem that I can’t dri­ve my kids to sports or birth­day par­ties.

Anoth­er rea­son I try to finance a car in an alter­na­tive way is that used cars are not sub­si­dized. This makes no sense in terms of sus­tain­abil­i­ty, as mod­ern vehi­cles can be dri­ven for well over 100,000 km (62,137 miles). That’s why I’m also try­ing to finance a used car, espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing the fact that vehi­cles that fit an elec­tric wheel­chair quick­ly become exor­bi­tant­ly more expen­sive than, say, a large sta­tion wag­on.

This is where YOU comes in. I ask you to sup­port my project. As the say­ing goes? Every Pen­ny and Cent counts!

Donation account:

Name: Frank Lang
IBAN: DE89 4401 0046 0222 2354 64
Insti­tut: Post­bank
Intend­ed use: Fam­i­ly van sup­port

or sim­ply donate via Pay­Pal.

Please note that no dona­tion receipts can be issued.

Aktueller Stand

We esti­mate that a used fam­i­ly van, includ­ing hand­i­capped acces­si­ble mod­i­fi­ca­tions, will cost around 80,000 Euros.

Dona­tions will be han­dled anony­mous­ly. If you would like to be named or linked here, please let us know.