Speed up your mobile

There are always “experts” on the net who give tips on how to increase the per­for­mance of a smart­phone. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, these experts for­get that the oper­at­ing sys­tems often opti­mize them­selves much bet­ter than if you do it by hand. This is espe­cial­ly the case for smart­phone oper­at­ing sys­tems.

On the con­trary, tips can make the per­for­mance of a smart­phone worse. For exam­ple, there is a list of tips to speed up a mobile phone:

  1. Delete or swap data in mobile phone mem­o­ry reg­u­lar­ly
  2. Close use­less pro­grams in the back­ground
  3. Unin­stall or hide unnec­es­sary apps
  4. Use Clean­er Apps
  5. Reset Smart­phone com­plete­ly

Now the true con­se­quences of this “opti­miza­tion”:

  1. Don’t touch the cell phone mem­o­ry! This is very well man­aged by the oper­at­ing sys­tems them­selves. Under iOS already for a long time, Android catch­es up here clear­ly. Tem­po­rary files should also not be delet­ed, unless you want to free up stor­age space.
  2. It is best not to close the appli­ca­tions in the back­ground. If the apps in the back­ground no longer have any­thing to do, the oper­at­ing sys­tem will put them into a sleep state that does not affect the per­for­mance of the phone. Delet­ing the apps in the back­ground will drain the bat­tery of the smart­phone, as the (re)start of an app is more ener­gy-inten­sive.
  3. Of course you can delete apps you don’t need any­more any time. But this has no influ­ence on the speed of the mobile phone.
  4. Clean­er apps are virus infect­ed and data col­lec­tors and should not be used under any cir­cum­stances. Not for any oper­at­ing sys­tem. Also not for desk­top com­put­ers.
  5. A com­plete reset of a mobile phone allows you to recon­fig­ure it because it has been reset to fac­to­ry set­tings. I think the tip­ster want­ed to pro­mote a “hard reset”. This means a forced restart. If you are look­ing for “Hard Reset” togeth­er with your mobile phone mod­el, you will sure­ly find instruc­tions on how to do this with your mobile phone.


In many cas­es it is bet­ter not to try to increase the speed of your mobile phone with any tricks or addi­tion­al apps. These pro­grams can’t change the hard­ware.

Only a hard reset can help if an app has stuck up or you have the impres­sion that the phone is not run­ning smooth­ly. Some­times it also helps (no joke) to sim­ply con­nect the phone to the pow­er sup­ply and not switch it on for approx. 30 min­utes. Then there are a lot of back­ground opti­miza­tions that the user usu­al­ly does­n’t notice.

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