Set up 301 redirect

If a web­site moves per­ma­nent­ly and, for exam­ple, the domain changes, the new address can be noti­fied to the search engines and web browsers via a 301 redi­rect. If a blog exists for a cer­tain time, there are many links on the web. If the url changes, all links become

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Mail alternatives in macOS

We looked for alter­na­tives to Apple’s mail pro­gram because we want­ed to have two mail pro­grams run­ning on one com­put­er that were con­fig­ured for dif­fer­ent users with­out set­ting up mul­ti­ple users on the Mac. As a pri­vate user, imap is now the usu­al pro­to­col, so that we hard­ly wor­ry about

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Install WordPress

Here we show you how to install Word­Press man­u­al­ly. Whether it real­ly makes more sense to install Word­Press man­u­al­ly or by 1Click is open to ques­tion. Those who install Word­Press man­u­al­ly know at least the inter­re­la­tions between the files on the serv­er and the inte­gra­tion with the web­hoster. Step 1:

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